Monday, August 18, 2008

it has been a great wkend over the national days.Although team singapore lost to china, but its the first silver medal after half a century.Must have baan quite a great achievement by the table tennis team.haha.seems that ive been using perfect eng.haha

Anw, just to update on my trip to malaysia during the national holidays, i went to malacca and all i did there was to eat and eat and eat.keep eating non stop.omg.i tink increase 2kg le lor.haha.then this time round i bought lotsa clothes and things there.first time i bought so many tings its all my parents money.haha.rli enjoyed my trip there and i even tried e famous 'LOK LOK' which is some kind of steamboat but not steamboat, as u can see.anw shalll just let u see my photos.not much cos just rebooted my damn computer.

And i ate 20+ sticks.tts quite a great achievement as it was damn full.


MY apartment'so called hotel

Photobucket Photobucket
cute little cousin.keep getting scolded on our way.too naughty

HOspital(after trip to malacca)
damn mother's fren baby was admitted to hospital becos of the negligence of a private clinic.damn stupid la.that doctor helped e baby to rid of a hump den nvr bandage got infected.lucky now nothing happen or he will surely die.haha.anw she was damn pitiful.keep crying all day long bcos it was damn painful inserting the tube into her hand.den her mother almost cried it out too.understandable la.below some pics to show her.

cute isn't it?

her pathetic hand

I watched "money not enough last week "been a great show.but too common and typical for jack neo movies.i cried.this is e first time i cried in a movie.really touching.haha

RLi broke thhis month and exams are coming.really had to piah all the way to promos le.hope to pomote with flying colours.haha.any sorry fions for not turning up for ure birthday party bbq.sounds fun which was said by clement..haharli regretted.but rli cant la.haha..anw


Twistin' at 4:40 AM

Friday, August 8, 2008

HIgh demand of post ..

just changed my skin...tink tis is the best skin i had la..haha..

anw had NDP celebrations today and super fun...had waterbombs to play with(although i tied till my hands were sore)it was suppossed to be sold to others but nobody wanna buy so we just played it....still made many peeps angry sia..hahaSORRY PEEPS!..btwtook me along time to sunbathe in the sun till i was half dry la..haha..but still went to Tmart to have lunch with klas peeps.We watched 'the mummy-return of the dragon emperor' .its actually quite nice, but frens say not nice..wonder if they had high expectations of an movie.then went to tampines safra for DARTS game and LAN..finally had a time to relax myself from alll the stupid school stuffs..haha.super tired today but fun.still spent lotsa $$$...feeling broke now.

its goin to be singapore's birthday in a few hours time.N im not gonna stay in singapore cos i goin with m family to malaysia..YAHOO..long time nvr go malaysia..anw...HAPPY NATIONAL DAY EVERYONE!!!

super many homework to do la..summore nxt wk still got SPA...die le definitely muz bring homework to malaysia to do le...summore IVAN sum still cursed us to NOT ENJOY OUR HOLIDAYS!!> evil he is..

just rebooted my comp and all is no music no photos everthing lost..sian..just hope to take more photos and DL more music onto my comp!

Have a nice national day peeps...good lucK!!!"GO STUDY""

Twistin' at 6:59 AM